In this 8 week series you will...
What is the problem with immunity today?
Our traditional medical model views immunity as our body's ability to fight outside invaders by developing antibodies that prevent us from getting sick. Our sick-care system is based purely on using medicines to fight symptoms once they show up. This global pandemic is revealing obvious weaknesses in our mainstream approach to health.
A complete answer to the immunity question requires much broader view. We are most immune when we tap our body wisdom and live a life closer to our Soul's purpose. Your Soul is your manifestation of your connection to Source (Goddess, God, All That Is). Your health is a reflection of your Soul's journey. Given this perspective, improving your immune response means...
What makes Immune & In Tune different?
Immune & In Tune approaches immunity as an integrated mind-body-spirit journey. By using your mind to more fully experience your body, you connect to spirit (Soul). Your body holds the sacred answers you've been waiting for.
Immune & In Tune deepens the connection to your Soul through the experience of body sensation by releasing the mind's need to take charge.
As your connection strengthens, so does your ability to see where you fit in - your unique brilliance! From there, you build a foundation of health and well-being by...
What is Body Wisdom?
Simply stated, body wisdom is information your body sends you. It can include physical symptoms such as tightness, constriction, sleeplessness, slow or fast digestion, congestion (excess mucus), flexibility, strength and relaxation. But consider that body wisdom also includes deeper feelings, gut sensations and emotions like safe, calm, pleasure, joy and unconscious workings like how you breathe without thinking.
The physical body is the vehicle your Soul chose to navigate in this life. When viewed as a temple of the Soul, your relationship to your body changes and you begin to honor its voice or messages. Tuning into the messages and responding based on what it tells you is using your body wisdom. These inner messages lead you to your Soul's voice (your purpose and your joy) which strengthens your immune response and optimizes your health.
There is no shortage of information and advice out there for your evaluation. But you are not taught to seek and trust the right answers from deep within. When you start living from the wisdom of your body and ask questions like "how does it feel in my gut, heart or womb?" you tap your innate power and let it override your distractible mind and outside influences.
In-Person At The Root in Temple, NH
Mondays - Sept 13 - Nov 8, 2021
8:30a - 10a EST — $249
By using easy and proven methods - yoga, breath, meditation, movement, dance and sound, learn to tune-in to your body wisdom to stay healthy (even during tough times).
Immune & In Tune connects you to the innate body wisdom that naturally improves immunity by grounding you in your Soul's evolution through evolutionary methods of body awareness.
Nirankar draws on 25+ years of experience and leadership in the health and sick-care industries, inspiring her to develop a natural health approach based on accessing your power and inner authority.
She studied clinical exercise physiology in college and worked in two rural hospitals, discovering Kundalini yoga along the way. Nirankar has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga since 2002 . From her experience in healthcare and yoga, Nirankar creates a safe space for women to transform.
She is known for her deep, caring presence and has a knack for listening. She lives with her beloved husband and bright daughter, and they can often be found on joyous adventures in nature.